Tuesday, 31 August 2010


Hey guys and gals
So the big adventure starts tomorrow and to say that Im a little nervous would be an understatement! I’ve got about a million things to do, one of which is pack! I’ve written a list though so it’s all good...
The last few weeks have been incredible and I can’t begin to explain how much I will miss people. I’ve been on fast forward, picking up speed the closer the first of September gets until suddenly it’s here! I don’t think it will sink in until Ally and I are strapped in to our eleven hour flight watching the glinting lights of London disappear. I expect feel a combination of excitement and sorrow at having said goodbye to everyone for 6 months. Having said that Ally in typical organised fashion has informed me that we will have Shrek, kick ass and our extensive travelling playlist to entertain and distract us. Failing that, she found a good article on how to sleep on planes; I’m not sure about putting pyjamas on, but a mask, earplugs and a boring book (suggestions welcome) are sure to send me to sleep!
Anyway we shall keep you posted as much as possible, please post comments, facebook us, email etc and let us know how you are, what’s going on and how shit the weather is getting (hehe).

Love to you all


Here we are I guess. It seems that it came a little bit too quick. Part of me is more than excited by the thought of this amazing adventure, but (because of course there is a but)the other part is also very scared. It seems a little bit silly to have blown away all serious plans just because I'm weak-minded on a hungover and Liz is really good at convincing me. Joke on the side, it seems to be the ultimate milestone into my Kingston University experience.
A year ago when I moved to Kingston from Camden, I thought it will be the end of my social life, did not know anyone and did not want to know anyone. I hated that "Team Uni" spirit and so on. Basically I thought I was too cool for school.
However, people showed me that I was wrong and I had probably one of the best year of my life, thanks to some incredibly amazing characters that I met here.
So that's it, uni is over, and I used to believe that right now, I would start my master, or get ready for the big world of corporate work. Instead, I am a cheerleader going on a gap year. Times have changed.

Bye for now. I will miss some people, but we'll be back in no time with a better tan than you.


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